IACC Webinar: Brug dit globale netværk
IACC inviterer til webinar den 17. februar 2022 kl.17.00-18.00.
Ønsker du at blive klogere på, hvordan du kan bruge dit globale netværk i IACC?
Til webinaret vil der være stor fokus på sparring og vidensdeling med dine internationale kolleger i hotel- og konference branchen. Emnet er, hvordan IACC´s medlemmer øger salg, bookinger og konverteringsrate ved hjælp af et øget fokus på kundens behov.
Deltagelse er gratis for guld- og sølvmedlemmer i Danske Konferencecentre.
Bronzemedlemmer er velkommen til at deltage mod et deltagergebyr på 70 dollars.
Læs mere her:
Whether you are part of a collection of hotels/conference centers or resorts, or an independent property, the benefit of being an IACC member is to use our resources. The IACC platform gives a wealth of knowledge of what an IACC property can do for your clients and sets you apart from the typical competition. COVID has taught us that we need to provide insights to our clients and not just ask them what they want. We need to share what we can do for them and if we don’t have availability we need to know how to use our sister ‘IACC’ properties to keep it in the group. This session will help you identify how IACC can help you close more business.
RSVP online today for this 60 minute webinar! IACC members maintain free access to all of our webinars and guests are welcome to attend for $70 per person. Please RSVP online and visit the IACC Store to complete payment and finalize your registration. Discounts are available when you register more than one person – you’ll find all the details in the IACC Store.
Se planlagte webinars for de kommende 3 måneder her.
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